The “body” section of your canvas is where we start to think about our physical needs and circumstances. Things like: physical symptoms, side-effects of medication, exercise and nutrition, rest and recovery.
Remember, we all cope differently, and everyone’s CareCanvas will look different.
For me, the body quadrant was an area that I really leaned into.
Staying physically active was a huge part of my coping strategy. Riding my bike — at least while I was physically able to do so — became a huge source of relief for me.
Not just bike rides, but walks, hikes, anything I could do to get out of the house and get moving. To distract myself from the reality that I was seriously ill.
There was a point in my journey where just getting from the hospital bed to the bathroom required every once of physical strength I could muster. Or taking a shower counted as a workout. My level of physical activity changed as my journey unfolded.
I committed to eating healthy foods and approached nutrition as a complimentary form of medicine in additional to my conventional treatment. I put together a nutrition plan with the help of my sister, and although I wasn’t always as regimented as she or my mother might have liked me to be, I took it seriously and found a level of intensity that I felt I could manage and commit to.
That’s important: finding a balance. Finding a level of intensity that you’re comfortable with, and committing to it. That doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. And, there were plenty of days I didn’t feel like getting off the couch, or when I physically couldn’t.
But there were also days when all I needed was a bit of encouragement to get off my butt and get moving.
Be kind to yourself, but do what you need to do in order to stay “fit to fight”. And, don’t forget about your team. They can help give you a pat on the back or a kick in the butt, depending on the day and depending what you need to keep pushing forward.